Want a variety of drinks _

Coning Tech 'Hera' cold recipe

own Representative: rainy season Even if at home at home but Mock tail or ever new it's cold of demand did not decrease with Sour curd in food or in the drink one different dimension added by doing . so of taste with of health Correspondence to cause our that what well takes that to say Needless to say . like this of drink context When you get up Bengali at home right that of materials talk in the head First comes that Hall Sour curd _ so today I will tell how this with will make different kind of drink _ today I will tell Yours is lost full of It’s cold recipe _ 

Materials –
Sour Curd - 1 the cup
mint Leaves - 10 o'clock
Ginger - 1 pieces
Sugar - to taste 
Salt - to taste 
Black Salt - needed like
fried cumin Powder - 1 the tea spoon

method - First all Materials In the blender with well Blend by doing take _ Blend to do become If you go in the glass pour on from the ice small And fried cumin the powder spread out serving Do ' lose full of It’s cold . 
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