Eating so much tea and a little sweet card and tea page if read evil no, so it's home be making thor go sweet card


Own Representative: a lot at home to eat at the end a little sweet something to eat choice do _ that on the journey any fruit Be it or the message or sweet curd to eat circulation There is someone Sour Yogurt by eating Stay , that too beneficial again someone sweet curd by eating stay of the test for _ but sweet curd every day shop from bought to eat enough cost subject to very one work Do it , sweetie Yogurt , what? way to make is _ that knowing take it And every day at home by making eat sweet curd _ knowing take it what way made up will do sweet curd _
semi the cup Sugar , semi the cup Milk
1 . 5 liter Milk ( later to give for )
3 / 4 the cup Sugar ( )
4 table spoon water
and a half the cup the market from bought Anna Yogurt
is one of earth A pot
 clear the towel

The method
little in the fire a in the pan semi the cup sugar And 4 table spoon the water day After that that to boil Day, good by doing to stir stay After that brown become if you come off in 1 / 2 the cup the milk with the mixture again good by doing to stir stay After that of in 1 . 5 liter the milk added by doing 15 minutes little in the fire to boil day the milk thick to be start If you do , then 3 / 4 the cup sugar with day the mixture As long as no light brown the color Happening , until then the mixture to stir stay After that fire off by doing the cold to be day now a of glass In a bowl , 1 . 5 the cup the market from bought Anna of yogurt mold take it off with , warm the milk added by doing good by doing mix day now the mixture a of earth in the container pour foil Paper with covered up day then the pot the towel in wrapped up keeping day After that 2 of the hour for little in the fire the pot keep After that of earth the pot get out by doing the cold If you do made up your sweet curd _

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